Monday, January 30, 2023

Digital Immigrant/Native Divide

 What is the immigrant/native divide and how has it affected the way students learn?

According to Prensky, the immigrant-native divide is something created between those who have grown up in the digital age vs. those who did not. Prensky explains it like learning a language; the younger generation is more fluent in technology because it is like a first language, whereas the older generation has had to adapt and learn it later in life like a secondary language. Growing up in the age of technology has completely reworked the way students learn and process information. Digital natives like to access their information super quickly, participate in multitasking, and frequent reward. It is much harder for the younger generation of students to excel in current schooling because it is not progressing with the digital natives, and many digital immigrants are teachers and professors that are caught in the old ways of learning. 

According to Prensky, what category do you fall into and how has this affected your learning?

According to Prensky, I fall under the digital native category. I grew up watching TV, listening to music on an iPod touch, and having the internet at my fingertips. This has definitely affected my learning, specifically once I got older and gained access to a smartphone and social media. I started developing attention issues, and it became progressively harder for me to learn traditionally in a classroom. I do think the schooling and teachers need to adapt with the generations, ADHD is skyrocketing and it is difficult for digital natives to learn in ways that may be expected of them. However, I think technology has allowed me to become a quick thinker and learn in a different way than previous generations have.  

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